Topic 1: European Latest Sensor Technology, Application and Development
Time: 10:30-16:30
Place: Hall 3.2, Meeting Room 3
Organized by AMA Association for Sensor Technology
議題 Topic:
1. 感測器應用現狀:歐洲感測器第一手資訊
Current Trends in Sensor Applications: News from the European sensor scene
2. 創新陶瓷感測器用以氣體、溫度與流量測量:氣體與液體測量選擇性處理應用
Innovative ceramic sensors for gas, temperature and flow measurement: Selected process applications of measurement in gases and liquids
3. 陶瓷壓力感測器擁有全媒介相容性:應用於自動化、汽車工業、醫藥及可再生能源
Ceramic pressure sensors for all medium compatibility: application in automation, automotive industry, medical and renewable energy
4. 3D鐳射掃描器與1D三角掃描器測量物體
Object measurement with 3D-Laserscanner and 1D-Triangulationlaser
5. 帶有ZSC3106的明確無誤的高解析度的數位高度計
High Resolution Digital Sensors for Consumer Electronics with Emphasis on Altimeters: one application for ZMD signal conditioner ZCS3016
6. 實現安全精確的壓力測量可移動或固定使用
Realization of safety critical pressure measurement for mobile and stationary application
7. 智慧光電感測器: PRT + IO-Link 介面技術介紹和及其優勢+應用介紹
Intelligent Photoelectric Sensors: Introduction of PRT and IO-Link technologies and its advantages
8. 工業化堆肥: 通風調控提高效率問題和解決方案
Measuring oxygen in industrial composting: Optimized transformation of organic waste into hygienic compost
9. 用於電氣傳動技術的定位回饋系統:帶純數位介面與功能安全的旋轉編碼器
Position feedback systems for electrical drive technology: Rotary encoder with pure digital interface and functional safety
Topic 2: Application in the Automation Industry
Time: 11:00-12:00
Place: Hall 1.2, Meeting Room 1
Organized by Wieland Electric Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
議題 Topic:
1. 介紹威琅公司產品組成及涉及的領域 Wieland product series and application industry 2. 介紹威琅產品在自動化領域的應用 Application in automation industry 3. 介紹威琅產品在風能、機械、物流等行業的應用 Application in wind-power, machinery, logistics industry and etc
Topic 3: China Automation Market Analysis and Development Trend 2011
Time: 9:30-12:00
Place: Hall 2.2, Meeting Room 2
Organized by www.gongkong.com
議題 Topic:
1. 中國版本的製造業升級——2010年中國OEM自動化市場分析
The Chinese Version of Manufacturing Industry Upgrade --- China's OEM Automation Market Analysis 2010
2. 存量市場,改變自動化——2010年中國自動化存量市場分析與趨勢預測
The Maintenance Market Changes Automation Industry---China's Maintenance Automation Market Analysis and Prediction 2010
Topic4: Modern Fluid Power Transmission and Control Technology Forum
Time: 13:00-17:30
Place: Hall 1.2, Meeting Room 1
Organized by Fluid Power Transmission and Control Institution CMES
議題 Topic:
1. 壓縮空氣系統的節能技術論壇
Energy conservation technology for compressed air systems
2. 流體傳動與控制技術現狀與展望
The progress and prospects of fluid power transmission and control
Topic 5: Measurement & Control Technology Promote New Industry Development
Time: 13:30-16:00
地點:2.2號館 2號會議室
Place: Hall 2.2, Meeting Room 2
Organized by Guangzhou Instrument & Control Society
議題 Topic:
1. 面向高效節能的化工過程傳感新技術
Chemical Process Sensing New Technologies Facing to Energy Efficient
2. 物聯網與綠色智能建築
The Internet of Things and Green Intelligent Building
Topic 6: CNC Machine Tools and Basic Manufacturing Equipments Forum
Time: 9:30-12:00
地點:1.2號館 1號會議室
Place: Hall 1.2, Meeting Room 1
主辦:廣東省數控機床與基礎製造裝備總體專家組, 廣東省自動化學會, 廣東省機械工程學會
Organized by Panel on CNC Machine Tools and Basic Manufacturing Equipments of Guangdong Province; Guangdong Automation Association; Guangdong Mechanical Engineering Institute
議題 Topic:
1. 十二五我國數控技術發展之我見
“12th Five-Year Plan” My Opinion on the Development of CNC Technology in China
2. 十二五我國數控機床產業發展初探
“12th Five-Year Plan” The Primary Research on the Development of CNC Machine Tools Industry in China
3. 面向裝備製造業的海德漢控制檢測技術及應用
Heidenhain’s Control & Measurement Technology and Application for Equipment Manufacturing Industry
4. 廣州數控機床產業十二五展望
“12th Five-Year Plan” Outlook on the CNC Machine Tools Industry in Guangzhou
5. 發展面向航空產業專用、高端數控裝備大有可為
Promising Development of Aviation-Applied High-end CNC Equipments
Topic 7: The Introduction, Digestion and Development of Rail Transit New Technology
Time: 9:30- 12:00
地點:2.2號館 2號會議室
Place: Hall 2.2, Meeting Room 2
Organized by Guangzhou Automation Society, Guangzhou Metro Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Overseas Trade Fairs Ltd.
議題 Topic:
1. 地鐵綜合監控系統的應用和發展
Application and Development of Metro Comprehensive Monitoring System
2. 香港理工大學的鐵路運輸系統研究專案和人才培養
Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Research Projects of Rail Transportation System and Talent Development Scheme
3. 軌道交通監控解決方案
Solution for Rail Transport Surveillance
4. 地鐵信號系統的應用與發展
Application and Development of Subway Signal System
5. 論壇總結
Summary of the Forum
Topic 8: The Automation Technology and Application to the Urban Storm Water Drainage System
Time: 14:00-16:40
Place: Hall 2.2, Meeting Room 2
主辦:廣州市自動化學會, 廣州東芝白雲自動化系統有限公司, 廣州富洋展覽有限公司
Organized by Guangzhou Automation Society, Guangzhou Toshiba Baiyun Control System Engineering Co., Ltd and Guangzhou Overseas Trade Fairs Ltd
議題 Topic:
The Control Technology for Urban Storm water Drainage System
2. 廣州市中心區排澇水泵站急需實現自動化
Automation Technology is badly in need for pump station of drainable floodgate in Guangzhou central region
3. 城市排水防澇泵站自動控制技術應用
Urban Drainage Pump Control Water logging Prevention Technology
4. 論壇總結
Summary of the Forum
Topic 9: Seminar on Motion Control
Time: 10:30-17:20
Place: Hall 3.2, Meeting Room 3
Organized by Mr. Daniel Jones, Board Member of Motion Control Association, USA
議題 Topic:
1. 電機與傳動 - 全球與中國
Motors and Drives - Global and China
2. L-Force 創新傳動 - “創新產品”倫茨9400伺服傳動器
L-Force Innovation Drives - Innovative Design of Lenze 9400 Servo Drives
3. 安全技術最新發展走向 - 工業現場匯流排安全模組
Latest Safety Technology Trends - Industrial Field Bus With Safety Module
4. 運動控制中的IEC61131軟體解決方案
IEC61131 Software Solution in Motion Control
5. 西門子運動控制技術解決方案
Siemens Motion Control Solution
6. 美國保險商實驗所交至美國能源局("進入美國市場的門戶")的電機能效評估
UL's Evaluation of Motor Energy Efficiency to the U.S. Dept. of Energy as a Portal to the U.S. Market
7. 步進電機與伺服電機損失比較
Loss Comparison of a Stepping Motor and Servo Motor
8. 精密運動控制步進與伺服電機選擇概述 - 控制器回饋
An Overview of Selection for Precision Motion Control Step & Servo Motor - Controls with Feedback
9. 高性能3D直傳級 - PM 線性電機, DDR 電機, θ軸系統
High Performance 3D Direct Drive Stages - PM Linear Motor, DDR Motor, Theta Axis System
Topic 10: Sensing in Automotive 2011
Time: 10:10-15:30
Place: Meeting Room 2A, Area A, Pazhou Complex
Organized by AMA Association for Sensor Technology & Vogel Industrial Media
議題 Topic:
1. 當前應用於汽車行業的感測器技術
Current sensor technologies in automotive application
2. 當前應用於汽車行業的感測器產品
Current sensor products in automotive application
3. GE車用感測器
GE auto sensors
4. 創新的汽車傳感技術優化燃料消耗和排放
Innovative sensor technology in automotive application - to optimize fuel consumption and exhaust
5. 應用於汽車環境中的氫氣感測器
Hydrogen sensors in automotive application
6. 用於汽車的陶瓷感測器和基於MEMS技術的壓力感測器
Ceramic sensors in automotive application and MEMS-based pressure sensors
Smart sensors in automotive application
Topic 11: Gkong.com Users’ Salon: Servomechanism and PLC
Time: 9:30-12:00
Place: Hall 1.2, Meeting Room 1
Organized by Guangdong Automation Association, Guangdong Mechanical Engineering Institute
議題 Topic:
1. 如何學好伺服系統應用
The Study of Applying Servomechanism
2. 如何學習使用PLC的功能指令
The Study of PLC Function Command
專題十二:"感測器與測量設備 - 成功邁向工業自動化" 國際技術/國際教育/國際商務
Topic 12: “Success with Sensors and Measurement Equipment in Industrial Automation” International Technology / International Education / International Business
Time: 10:00-12:30
Place: Hall 3.2, Meeting Room 3
Organized by AMA Association for Sensor Technology
議題 Topic:
1. 工廠自動化與感測器技術發展趨勢
Trends in Sensor Technologies for Factory Automation
2. 過程自動化與感測器技術發展趨勢
Trend in Sensor Technologies for Process Automation
3. 全球測量與感測器技術工程師教育
International Education of Engineers in Measurement and Sensor Technology
4. 如何開始進行國際商務 - 在中國及德國開拓市場及進行銷售的主要因素
Starting International Business - Key Factors for Market Development and Sales in China and Germany
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