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ABB wins $11 million mine hoist order from Xstrata Copper in Australia
ABB赢得澳大利亚Xstrata Copper1100万美元矿井提升机项目订单

Zurich, Switzerland, September 14, 2011 – ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, recently won an $11 million order to supply a complete ore hoisting solution for Xstrata Copper’s Ernest Henry Mining (EHM) copper-gold operation in north-west Queensland, Australia. The tower-mounted hoist will transport ore for EHM’s new underground mine and play a key role in securing the long-term future of the operation by extending its life of mine by 12 years. The order was booked in the first quarter of 2011.

瑞士苏黎世9月14日消息——全球领先的电力和自动化集团ABB最近赢得一份价值1100万美元订单,为Xstrata Copper公司位于澳大利亚昆士兰西北部的Ernest Henry黄金铜矿(EHM)提供一套完整的矿井提升机系统。塔式提升机将运输EHM新的地下矿矿石,为确保该矿山长期的安全运行发挥关键作用,并能延长该矿山的运行寿命12年。该订单在2011年第一季度签订。

“ABB was selected for this project because of our unique position as a sole-supplier of complete mine hoist systems, and mining industry expertise, to provide a complete solution that will help this operation develop, thrive and profit well into the future,” said Axel Kuhr, country manager for ABB in Australia. “ABB has delivered more than 600 new mine hoist systems worldwide; our design represents the industry benchmark for mine hoist safety, energy efficiency and cost effectiveness.”

ABB澳大利亚国家经理Axel Kuhr表示:“ABB之所以被选中是因为我们是唯一能提供全套矿井提升系统的供应商以及我们在采矿业领域的专业知识,提供一个完整的解决方案将帮助这座矿山未来运行得更好,利润更高。ABB在全球范围内已经提供超过600套全新的矿井提升机系统;我们所设计的矿井提升机在安生性,节能增效和成本效益方面已经成为行业标杆。”

ABB will design, supply and commission all the electrical and mechanical equipment for a new vertical tower mounted mine ore hoist system. The hoist will run at a speed of 16 meters per second, allowing it to raise 1,020 tons of ore per hour from a depth of 950 meters to the surface. The hoist will be driven by a 5,000 kilowatt (kW) synchronous motor powered by ABB’s state-of-the-art ACS 6000 drive system to control torque and speed for energy efficient ore haulage. ABB’s system design also provides additional reactive power during operation, to minimize the new hoist’s impact on the surrounding power network.


ABB’s design and supply responsibilities include the bottom dump ore skips with inspection platforms, the rope deflection sheaves and a skip dumping system. The fully integrated automated hoisting system will be controlled by ABB’s System 800xA AC800M industrial controller; it will manage and control the entire mine hoisting system from the loading conveyors to the surface ore dump station.

ABB设计和供货职责包括箕斗和井底检测平台、导向轮和箕斗卸载系统。全集成的自动化提升系统将由ABB的系统800xA AC800工业控制系统控制,它将管理和控制整个矿井提升系统从装载到输送到地表矿转储存站的全过程。

ABB’s proven maintenance and lifecycle support services were also important to the contract evaluation, as the reliable performance of the hoist is critical to the safety and financial success of the mining operation. Hoists are among the most significant pieces of equipment at an underground mine, and must operate with the highest level of reliability and safety, as any potential failure of the hoist can lead to catastrophic results.


Delivery is scheduled to be completed in the second half of 2012.


Headquartered in Brisbane, Xstrata Copper is one of the commodity business units within the major global diversified mining group Xstrata plc. Xstrata Copper is the fourth largest global copper producer with attributable mined production in 2010 of over 913,000 tons of copper in cathodes and concentrates.

Xstrata Copper公司总部设在布里斯班,是全球大型的多元化矿业集团Xstrata公司的子公司。Xstrata Copper是全球第四大铜制品生产商,在2010年生产了91.3万吨铜制品。

ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in around 100 countries and employs about 130,000 people.



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