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ABB wins major oil & gas marine contract in Brazil

September 21, 2011 - ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, recently won an order to provide power supply infrastructure, systems and equipment for two new floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) units operated by Petrobras. The units will process crude oil and natural gas extracted from beneath the sea floor, off the southern coast of Brazil. The order was booked during the second quarter.


ABB’s comprehensive delivery for each unit will ensure a safe and reliable electrical supply onboard. The two new Petrobras FPSO units P-58 and P-62 will operate in the oil-rich Campos basin, offshore from Rio de Janeiro. They are scheduled to start operation in mid-2012 with a collective capacity of 360,000 barrels of oil and 12 million cubic square meters of gas per day.


The scope of supply for each unit includes a containerized E-House (electrical house) which includes a 600 ton electrical room to house the complete 100 MW power system, as well as related power generation and energy distribution equipment, and engineering and installation services. ABB’s delivery also includes energy management systems and power supply protection equipment.


“ABB’s excellent local resources, vast oil and gas industry expertise and technical solutions, as well as our long history of working with Petrobras, were important factors in winning this order,” said Veli-Matti Reinikkala, head of ABB’s Process Automation division.


ABB recently won a similar order for Petrobras’ P-63 FPSO unit; the company has supplied Petrobras with automation and electrification systems for numerous projects over the years.

不久前,ABB获得了巴西国家石油公司P-63 FPSO船的一个类似订单。ABB多年来为巴西国家石油公司的众多项目提供了自动化和电气化系统。

ABB’s Process Automation division delivers industry specific solutions and services for industrial automation and plant electrification. These solutions help customers meet their critical business needs in the areas of energy efficiency, operational profitability, capital productivity, risk management, and global responsibility. Available industry specific solutions include process control, instrumentation, analytics, safety, plant optimization, telecommunications, energy management and power distribution.


ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in around 100 countries and employs about 130,000 people.



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